Friday, December 14, 2012

Bitter Sweet

Today has been a pretty crazy and emotional day.  It was the last day of my student teaching.  I had to say goodbye to 32 beautiful and amazing children.  They have stolen my heart these past 16 weeks and it was so hard to say my goodbyes.  We had a great day today and took a ride on the Polar Express.  They drank hot coco on sleeping bags, watched the Polar Express, stuff stockings, and ate pancakes.

After this amazing last day I had gotten to share with my 32 beautiful kiddos I heard about the horrible news in Newton and all I could do was think about them.  I am overwhelmed with emotions and can't even imagine what those families are going through.  I don't understand how someone could be so sick in the mind to be capable of doing that to 20 innocent children who still had their whole lives ahead of them.  They were just babies and someone just took their lives right out of their hands.  I don't understand how someone could just be so evil.  This whole situation makes me feel so sad, angry, devastated, and lost.  All we can do now is just send as many prayers as we can to the Newton community, to the families that have lost such innocent little lives and brave teachers and adults. <3

I wish nothing but sweet sweet dreams to those who have been affected by today.
Mrs. Kendall

1 comment:

  1. You're the cutest! Love you my Jenna! Can't wait to seeee youuuu
