Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A New Adventure!

Welp! We got the keys to our new house! What a crazy feeling! A big adventure is ahead of us and I couldn't be more excited, nervous, overwhelmed, happy and most of all very blessed.  We went over to the house today to game plan what we want to do.  I couldn't be more excited and I have so many ideas for decorating, designing the beautiful place we will call home.  I will definitely be showing you all before and afters of everything that I do, so get ready for lots of pictures of diy projects!!! ;)

My Pinterest used to be full of all wedding ideas, then educational ideas, then came the holidays and now it will ALL be home decor and organization!  So sorry friends, that's all you will get from me! ;) What I great way to start the beginning of our new year together. In a clean, organized home, and new chapter in our life.

It's just crazy to me how fast time flies.  Once I graduated and moved out of my parents house I feel that these past 5 years went in a blink of an eye!  Sometimes I feel like I just am trying to keep up with life. But everyday I try to tell myself to soak it in as much as I can because that day, week, month, year will be over before you know it.

Speaking of life going by so quickly, I am saying goodbye to my kinders in t-minus 3 days.  16 weeks already just FLEW right by me.  It was a pretty amazing 16 weeks and I couldn't have been more blessed with such an amazing and inspirational mentor teacher and her team plus 32 of most adorable kids ever! ;)  They have taught me so much about being an educator and they really helped me realize that I am on the right path of where I want to be and I couldn't be more excited to get my own classroom in the future!

Okay tata for now! On to homework and bed! Lots of packing and planning tomorrow! <3

Oh and btw if you noticed, yes I am going to be a teacher, and yes I suck at grammar and spelling. Get over it. ;) you can't be good at everything!

Mrs. Kendall

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